In Semillero de Innovaciónwe deliver an innovative education system, under the methodology “Learning by Doing & Playing”, stating that learning is a consequence of an environment of creativity, play and entertainment. We train girls, boys and young people, under the education approach “CTS + i” Science, Technology, Society + Innovation,with the purpose of promoting comprehensive training strategies for the process of scientific-technological education, integrating personal and social development, a mindset in favor of innovation in order to “Educate to Innovate”.
In Semillero de Innovaciónwe encourage learning through SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGIES, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS (STEM), incorporating intellectual, intercultural, psychosocial and technological aspects.
We promote the teamwork in each of our activities, encouraging the concept of “FAIR PLAY”, the one that manifests itself in valuesAs the respect, dignity and justice. Likewise, we work under group and individual behavior guidelines, having as a common denominator the respect for himself and for others.